The Recorder Home Page
by Nicholas Lander - this site is so complete that no other link is necessary
New Landscapes for the Recorder: Interview by David Lasocki
We are what you listen to: Interview by Nick Horn
Teaching is a Two-Way Street: short stories about some of my students
Recorders in Borderland: The Recorder and World Music in Australia by Nick Horn
Midi Files - Renaissance-style diminutions, "Music Minus One" midi files
and midi transcriptions of ethnic music.
Dolmetsch Summer School (August 3 - 10, 2008) New venue under the auspices of Language and Music for Life
Language and Music for Life (August 2 - 17, 2008) Master Class
Flauto Dolce - the 7-year program of study for the Recorder in the Italian
conservatory system
ERTA - Italia - the Italian branch of the European Recorder Teacher's Association
"Luigi Cherubini" Conservatory of Music
QUADRO FRAME - record company
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